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About the TWIRLED Education Portal

by Sandi Wiemers -

The TWIRL Education Portal contains all of Education Materials for purchase, as well as all available online courses and workshops. Courses and downloadable materials are available to purchase for both coaches and judges.

Courses are color coded for your convenience.

Yellow: Education 

Green: Coaching

Blue: Judging

Please note that ALL courses for coaches and judges begin with the Education (yellow) course for that module.

e.g Module 5: Freestyle Solo Education course must be completed successfully BEFORE undertaking the Module 5 Coaches or Judges courses.

Available courses

Course image WBTF Judges Manual
Enrolment on payment

The WBTF Master Judges Manual is downloadable by sections in PDF.

This manual contains: General Information, Short Program, Freestyle Solo, Freestyle Pair, Freestyle Team, Solo, Two Baton, Three Baton, Artistic Twirl, Artistic Pairs and Artistic Groups with a selection of Performance example scripts and more. 

All materials in the WBTF Master Judges Manual are the property of the World Baton Twirling Federation. 

Your ethical support of this effort by NOT COPYING OR NOT REPRODUCING these materials for others is respectfully requested.

Course image WBTF Coach Level 2 Manual
Enrolment on payment

The WBTF Level II Coaches Training Manual contains the following major sections:

  • Section 1: Dance Basic
  • Section 2: Physical Basic/Gymnastics
  • Section 3: Competition Events
  • Section 4: Solo
  • Section 5: Two Baton
  • Section 6: Three Baton
  • Section 7: Artistic Twirl
  • Section 8: Artistic Pair
  • Section 9: Compulsories
  • Section 10: Short Program
  • Section 11: Music Basic
  • Section 12: General Freestyle Concept
  • Section 13: Individual Freestyle
  • Section 14: Pair/Team/Group Events
  • Section 15: Pair
  • Section 16: Team/Group
  • Section 17: How to Practice
  • Section 18: Interviews
  • Section 19: Glossary of Terminology
  • Section 20: Basic Twirl – Release and Receptions

All materials in the WBTF Level II Coaches Training Manual are the property of the World Baton Twirling Federation. 

Your ethical support of this effort by NOT COPYING OR NOT REPRODUCING these materials for others is respectfully requested.

Course image WBTF Coaches Level 1 Manual
Enrolment on payment

The WBTF Level I Coaches Training Manual is available as a downloadable PDF version  after you have made your purchase.

This manual contains the following major sections:

  • Section 1:    Baton Twirling Introduction
  • Section 2:    History of the World Baton Twirling Federation
  • Section 3:    Purpose & Objectives of the WBTF Coaches Manual
  • Section 4:    Coaches Code of Ethics
  • Section 5:    Basic Anatomy and Physiology For Coaches
  • Section 6:    Use Of Performance Enhancing Drugs in Sports
  • Section 7:    First Aid
  • Section 8:    Psychology
  • Section 9:    Twirling and Pedagogy
  • Section 10:  Class Structure & Basic Fundamentals
  • Section 11:  A - Basic Twirls – Fundamentals, B – Categories of Twirl, C – Basic skills – Method and Tools, D – Sample Skill charts, E - Basic Skills Certification Program, F – WBTF Standard Routine Competition

All materials in the WBTF Level I Coaches Training Manual are the property of the World Baton Twirling Federation..

 Your ethical support of this effort by NOT COPYING OR NOT REPRODUCING these materials for others is respectfully requested.

Course image Technical Foundation Certification Course Materials
Enrolment on payment
Supplemental materials for the Technical Foundations Certification course. This set of materials includes instructional videos, a manual, and the Standard Solo Music. 
Course image Master Judges Written Test - March 2024

Master Judges Workshop -- JAPAN ONLY
第15回WBTF審査研修会 - 2024年3月1

Course image Master Judges Pair & Team Workshop - April 5-6, 2024
Enrolment on payment
Course for the Master Judge Workshop - Freestyle Section

To register, select one of the following categories and pay the corresponding amount: 

  • Testing for Certification $65: Any participant wishing to test for Master Judge certification
  • Re-Testing for Certification $45: Select this option if you ONLY need to re-take the Short Program section of the Master Judge series. You MUST have passed all other sections. 
  • Seminar Credit Only $35: Any participant wishing to attend for seminar/renewal credit
  • Learning Only $25: Any participant attending to learn more about Short Program/judging philosophy only

All participants are expected to be honest and register with the enrollment type that applies to them. Any questions around the integrity of enrollment and payment will be reviewed.

Course image Master Judges Freestyle Workshop - March 8-9, 2024
Enrolment on payment
Course for the Master Judge Workshop - Freestyle Section

To register, select one of the following categories and pay the corresponding amount: 

  • Testing for Certification $65: Any participant wishing to test for Master Judge certification
  • Re-Testing for Certification $45: Select this option if you ONLY need to re-take the Short Program section of the Master Judge series. You MUST have passed all other sections. 
  • Seminar Credit Only $35: Any participant wishing to attend for seminar/renewal credit
  • Learning Only $25: Any participant attending to learn more about Short Program/judging philosophy only

All participants are expected to be honest and register with the enrollment type that applies to them. Any questions around the integrity of enrollment and payment will be reviewed.

Course image Master Judges Short Program Workshop - February 2-3, 2024
Enrolment on payment

Course for the Master Judges Short Program Workshop

To register, select one of the following categories and pay the corresponding amount: 

  • Testing for Certification $65: Any participant wishing to test for Master Judge certification
  • Re-Testing for Certification $45: Select this option if you ONLY need to re-take the Short Program section of the Master Judge series. You MUST have passed all other sections. 
  • Seminar Credit Only $35: Any participant wishing to attend for seminar/renewal credit
  • Learning Only $25: Any participant attending to learn more about Short Program/judging philosophy only

All participants are expected to be honest and register with the enrollment type that applies to them. Any questions around the integrity of enrollment and payment will be reviewed.

Course image Master Judge Workshop – JAPAN ONLY - December 18-19, 2023

Master Judges Workshop -- JAPAN ONLY
第15回WBTF審査研修会 - 2023年12月18-19日

Course image Technical Foundation Certification Program Module 2
Module 2 is the second of the two part Technical Foundation Certification program offered by the WBTF.